Monday, May 26, 2008

All about remedies for cold sores

'Tis The Season

Mon, 26 May 2008 14:50:11 PDT
We had one of these yesterday. I stepped outside with Laddie for a quick walk around 5pm, just as a neighbor was walking over to return something to me, and all of sudden, everything changed. The clear sunny sky got very low and gray, and out of nowhere the WIND went berserk!!! I thought my maple tree was going to come down on our heads, so I maneuvered Laddie into a more open space, and we just stood there getting pummeled and watching giant oak trees bend back and forth. Another neighbor's tal

Insurance for your trip / holiday

Mon, 26 May 2008 07:40:25 PDT
Traveling on a vacation together with your family may mean additional expenses on your part but you can always find a cheap and nice hotel that can cover most of your needs while you are there, and then you can use the extra money to get good travel insurance.

Rent-a-dildo: worst idea in the world, ever?

Sat, 24 May 2008 16:44:54 PDT
There are some things in life that, for reasons of pride, ethics or cleanliness, should never ever be rented. Love, for example. Or pets. Or second-hand sex toys.